Prof. François Ansermet [older]
Currently Emeritus Professor at the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne after having first held the posts of full Professor of child psychiatry at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at UNIL, and Head of the University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). Then from October 2007 up to September 2017, full Professor of Child Psychiatry at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), while remaining full Professor ad personam at UNIL, and becoming Head of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Hôpitaux Univesitaires de Genève, as well as Director of the University Department of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of the UNIGE.
Psychoanalyst, member of l’Ecole de la Cause Freudienne of Paris, of the NLS (New Lacanian School), the ASREEP-NL, and the WAP (World Association of Psychoanalysis).
Research activities focus on perinatal clinical practice, prenatal and early trauma, translational research with neurobiology, particularly through the national NCCR-Synapsy program set up at the initiative of Prof. Pierre Magistretti; on the consequences of new advances in biotechnologies in the area of medically assisted reproduction, and pre-conception and perinatal predictive medicine; on disorders of sex development (DSD), and clinical practice with transgender patients; and finally, within the Agalma Foundation, on the common ground to be found between neurosciences and psychoanalysis, as well as links between the arts, sciences and psychoanalysis.
Member since 2013 of the French National Ethics Committee (CCNE) in Paris.
Selection of published works:
- Ansermet F, Mejia Quijano C, Germond M, (2006). Parentalité stérile et procréation médicalement assistée : le dégel du devenir. Ramonville Saint-Agne : Erès.
- Ansermet F, Germond M, Mauron V, André M, Cascino F. ( 2007). Clinique de la procréation et mystère de l’incarnation : l’ombre du futur. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
- Ansermet, F. & Magistretti, P. (2007). Biology of Freedom : Neuronal Plasticity, Experience, and the Unconsciou. New York : Other Press.
- Magistretti P, Ansermet F. (Dir.) (2010). Neurosciences et psychanalyse : une rencontre autour de la singularité. Paris : Odile Jacob.
- Ansermet F. Magistretti P. (2010). Les énigmes du plaisir. Odile Jacob, Paris.
- Ansermet F. (2012). Clinique de l’origine, éditions Cécile Defaut, Nantes.
- Ansermet F, Giacobino A (2012). Autisme : à chacun son génome. Paris : Navarin/Le champ freudien.
- Ansermet F, Sorrentino MG. (2013). Malaise dans l’institution : le soignant et son désir. 3ème éd. Paris : Economica/Anthropos,.
- Ansermet F, (2017). The Art of Making Children : The New World of Assisted Reproductive Technology. London : Karnac.
- Ansermet F, Nourry Prune, (2017). Serendipity. Alres :Editions Acte Sud.